Welcome to the Fairyland. This is an online world that is home to unlimited adventures and countless surprises. Choose your favorite role-playing character and play with thousands of other players for an exciting journey in the fairyland. In this stunning...

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Astonia 3

Astonia 3 3.00.05

Astonia 3 is a massive multiplayer online role-playing game. Each player assumes the role of a battle-hardened warrior or a powerful mage. He or she enters the world of Astonia and begins to train for battle. The experience gained as characters solve...

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In this fan-made movie from Windspire Entertainment, a hero shows just how far he will go for his true love, alongside a loyal friend who sees him through the journey.The video is a 640x480 WMV file.Requirements:Windows...

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This fan made music video from Martyred Productions shows off some large scaled PvP battles taken from the Archimonde server, nicely edited together with several organized emote parties.The video is a 640x480 WMV file.Requirements:Windows...

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What does the Sturmgrenadier Guild of the Bleeding Hollow Realm do when their server goes down? Invade the Burning Legion server with an army of purple-haired gnomes. Check out this video for their adventure.The video is an 800x600 AVI...

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This fan made movie shows a typical Saturday on the Warsong server from the perspective from an Alliance Warrior. Watch as the Alliance show off their might from the Deeprun to the Undercity.The movie is a 640x480 WMV file.Requirements:Windows...

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This movie from World of Warcraft shows the Horde having fun by tossing unsuspecting Alliance off the edge of the Thandol Span using the Mind Control Spell. Recorded to the song "American Idiot" by Green Day.The movie is a 320x280 WMV...

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This World of Warcraft fan movie from the Sturmgrenadier Guild shows another army of pink pig-tailed gnomes invading the Mal'Ganis server. Watch them wreak Gnomish havok across Ironforge and Stormwind.The movie is a 720x480 WMV file.Requirements:Windows...

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